Clear Pathways is an analytical tool which allows organisations to map, monitor and manage their communities of interest and practice.

Clear Pathways uses the information gathered by Clear Knowhow to depict current networks of knowledge within the organisation.  It can be used to answer important questions such as:

  • Who is central to a network? (it’s not always the obvious person)
  • Who are the gatekeepers and brokers?
  • If this person left, what would be the risk?
  • If we merged two divisions, where would the duplications and synergies be?

Other uses include, measuring email volumes and distribution along with identifying trending key words and phrases.

The results are displayed in an intuitive dashboard, helping with management decision-making and scenario building.

Clear Pathways allows you to create virtual cross-departmental teams of experts to work on specific projects or challenges.  It also allows you to identify significant gaps in expertise, and develop recruitment and training strategies to fill them.

  • Expertise assessment

    Using Clear Pathways, management are able to locate gaps in expertise within the company and use this information to base training and recruitment on.

  • See directions of expertise

    Pathways can show the amount of ‘knowledge’ going to and from all individuals within an organization. Using this information, they can assess what would be the effect if an employee left the company, based on how often they’re relied on for expertise. Additionally, this can be used for appraisal purposes when assessing how much knowledge and expertise an employee brings to the organization.

  • Customizable Dashboards

    The main dashboard shows visual based reports of the information gathered by Clear Knowhow and analyzed by Pathways.

  • Spot gaps in knowledge and recruit/train based on this
  • Assess risks if certain employees were to leave the company
  • Spot trends in knowledge transfer, see who is getting asked about subjects most
  • See who contacts each other lots and build cluster of experts
  • Customizable dashboards allow you to see information clearly
  • Clear Knowhow integration means this data does not need to be collected manually which would be very time consuming

At a glance

Who are the gatekeepers

Who are the internal and external brokers

What is the impact if that person leaves

Can greater synergies be created

Create virtual development teams

Identify trending knowledge and questions

Link related topics, people and teams

Find isolated employees

Identify knowledge shortages and concentrations

Prepare effectively for role changes

Are teams working effectively

Is work being duplicated

Are key people missing from a team

Connect across sites, countries and regions

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